Women's Ministry

PPWM 2023 Fall Conference: Unraveled

First Reformed Presbyterian Church Conference—November 4.

The women of Hebron Church are invited to join them. For more information and/or to register click here.

Register by October 21. 

Being the Church together

You never know how God will use your story to influence someone else's life
or how another person will speak into your life. 

Women’s Ministry

Anchored and Reaching Out

Our mission in Women’s Ministry is to invite women into a relationship with Jesus Christ, equip them to become disciples of Jesus Christ, and to encourage relationships marked by love and serving others.


“Let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, 

as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another- and all the more as we see the day approaching.” Hebrews 10: 24-25


Women were uniquely created to be in relationship to support and encourage one another. At Hebron, Women’s Ministry provides opportunities for women to come together to grow in community and spirit alongside one another at quarterly large group events, groves, or smaller groups as needed to worship, learn, and share their lives with one another- we would love if you would consider participating! Each woman’s has the potential to be used by God when she makes herself available. Let’s be the church together!  

Women’s Ministry has 4 teams to support and serve the women at Hebron! We welcome you to join us in serving on one of these teams. Contact the teams to get connected- contact info to the left.

Assimilation Team: We don’t want any woman slipping thru the cracks- help us get women engaged and integrated into ministry here at Hebron. 

Building-Up Team: The spiritual growth of women is at the heart of what we are about. This team will coordinate with Hebron’s Discipleship Team to focus on intentional steps to deepen women’s relationships with Christ and support those women who are in leadership within the church.

 Care and Comfort Team: Women in need of extra care and attention require people with compassion that want to intentionally fulfill Christ’s mission of caring for others. 

 Devoted Dudes: We want to make sure ALL women are able to participate in opportunities to grow and connect. It would be a blessing to have some ‘devoted dudes’ to provide childcare during women’s events (appropriate clearances required).

When you say YES to Women’s Ministry you Say YES to: 

Encouragement, compassion, spiritual growth, love, prayer, discipleship, relationships, acceptance, support


REcommended Reading

Looking for recommended reading material? 
Here are some titles across a mix of genres recommended by Linda Westover.

DOCTRINE :   The Pursuit of Holiness by Jerry Bridges

What is God’s part in our holiness?  What is our part?  This book will “comfort and challenge you as you learn to rest in Christ while vigorously pursuing a life of holiness.”

APOLOGETICS  :  The Unsaved Christian:  Reaching Cultural Christianity

With The Gospel by Dean Inserra

How do you share your faith with people who call themselves Christians but don’t know Christ?  This book offers a game plan for reaching them with the Gospel.

TEACHING : Idols of the Heart: Learning to Long for God Alone by Elyse Fitzpatrick

Do you long to live a Godly life but feel trapped by habitual sins?  Do idols in your heart compete with your affection for God?  This book shows to retake your life from idols.   

GODLY ENTERTAINMENT :  At Home in Mitford by Jan Karon

It will make you laugh.  It will make you cry. This first book in a series of 12 will hook you with “the miracles and mysteries of everyday life”.